Mathematical ground of choice of architecture of computer network as an element of informative infrastructure of educational organization

  • N. Yu. Shevchenko Donbass state engineering academy (DSEA), Kramatorsk
  • S. G. Bagach Druzhkivka technical school of Donbass state engineering Academy (DT DSEA), Druzhkivka
  • D. S. Potapov Donbass state engineering academy (DSEA), Kramatorsk
Keywords: informative infrastructure, computer network, imitation design, architecture, informative exchange, output-input ratio


Shevchenko N. Yu., Bagach S. G., Potapov D. S. Mathematical ground of choice of architecture of computer network as an element of informative infrastructure of educational organization // Herald of the DSEA. – 2019. – № 2 (46). – P. 165–170.

In the article the question of the effective use of informative resources is considered through the construction of informative infrastructure of organization the inalienable element of that is her computer network. Going is certain near the choice of architecture of computer network as an element of informative infrastructure of educational organization through determination of efficiency of functioning of computer network by means of imitation design. It is marked that computer networks are the discrete systems with stochastic character of functioning, queuing systems, for planning of that an imitation design is used. An imitation design allows to work out recommendations in relation to the topology of network that will provide most efficiency of informative exchange depending on the size of inwardly-network traffic. Efficiency of informative exchange is offered in a computer network with the set structure to estimate through determination of output-input ratio from position of information transfer. For the imitation design of work of computer network a package is used for the imitation design of Simulink, namely for the imitation of permanent stream of requests the built-in are used in SimEvents elements of pseudocasual generation of numbers that are based on the formulas of exponential and discretely-even distribution. It is set on results a design, that most efficiency of informative exchange is arrived at the use of computer network with a topology "star" on condition of the subzero informative loading, and also at the small changes of input stream. At the high entrance loading, and also her dramatic changes the best technical indexes are demonstrated by the network built on the base of topology "binary tree". A conclusion is set forth that the choice of optimal calculable network structure on the basis of estimation of quality of her functioning allows to promote efficiency of informative exchange

Author Biographies

N. Yu. Shevchenko, Donbass state engineering academy (DSEA), Kramatorsk

candidate of economic sciences, associate professor

S. G. Bagach, Druzhkivka technical school of Donbass state engineering Academy (DT DSEA), Druzhkivka


D. S. Potapov, Donbass state engineering academy (DSEA), Kramatorsk



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How to Cite
Shevchenko, N., Bagach, S., & Potapov, D. (2019). Mathematical ground of choice of architecture of computer network as an element of informative infrastructure of educational organization. HERALD of the Donbass State Engineering Academy, (2 (46), 165-170.