Electric power system efficiency improvement

  • V. E. Tsiganash Donbass State Engineering Academy (DSEA), Kramatorsk
  • Y. S. Beloivanenko Donbass State Engineering Academy (DSEA), Kramatorsk
Keywords: power system, energy-saving control, model based on the frequency method


Tsiganash V. E., Beloivanenko Y. S. Electric power system efficiency improvement // Herald of the DSEA. – 2019. – № 2 (46). – P. 141–144.

This work considered the possibility of developing a new method of optimal control and introducing “in large” optimization into the process of energy conversion. That is, to be able to make optimal use of resources at each stage of energy conversion, in all modes of system operation, using all available resources, subject to the obligatory observance of many actual existing restrictions, which are not possible to neglect: energy, information, computing and others. The main goal of this approach to solving the optimization problem is to increase the dynamic properties of the electric power system. To solve this problem, a new optimal control criterion was proposed by us and based on the power supply factor. This criterion makes it possible to develop a model for the process of energy transformation in which measurements and filtering on the one side, management and regulation on the other side are in particular interrelation between duality. The proposed criterion, based on the power supply, makes it possible to abandon parametric optimization and implement the solution of the problem directly through the functional, to be able to represent signals in both the frequency and time domains, significantly expanding the area of its use. This principle of duality allows the multi-stage task to be presented not in the form of a multi-stage “decision tree” as in dynamic programming, but only in three stages of reference - relative, absolute and figurative. Reducing the steps significantly increases the speed of the task solution process. This effect has been confirmed in industrial conditions and in induction and arc steel-smelting furnaces.

Author Biographies

V. E. Tsiganash, Donbass State Engineering Academy (DSEA), Kramatorsk

candidate of technical science, associate professor

Y. S. Beloivanenko, Donbass State Engineering Academy (DSEA), Kramatorsk



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How to Cite
Tsiganash, V., & Beloivanenko, Y. (2019). Electric power system efficiency improvement. HERALD of the Donbass State Engineering Academy, (2 (46), 141–144. https://doi.org/10.37142/1993-8222/2019-2(46)141