Determining the quality of the manufacturing process of products with a given linear size

Keywords: quality, accuracy, linear size, machine part, manufacturing technology.


Lamnauer N. Y. Determining the quality of the manufacturing process of products with a given linear size // Herald of the DSEA. – 2019. – № 2 (46). – Р. 89–92.

An important component in ensuring product quality is the evaluation of the quality of its manufacturing technology. The quality of the technology is evaluated by the quality of the products received. One of the indicators of the quality of engineering products is the linear size of the parts. Any product can be produced using various technologies, but each of them provides not the same quality. High quality is accompanied by increased costs, which in a competitive market is not always acceptable for manufacturers. Depending on the needs of the manufacturer regarding quality, it becomes necessary to identify a technology that provides the desired quality. The issues of creating a tool for assessing the quality of manufacturing parts by the accuracy of size to determine the gradation of the quality of technology are considered. It is proposed to introduce assessment of technology with intervals of quality. The research used the theoretical apparatus of probability theory and mathematical statistics. The use of a general model of the distribution of the linear dimensions of parts and the found estimates of its parameters is proposed. It is shown that the proposed model has three different forms of distribution density, as well as the dependence of the average size on the half-sum of the upper and lower values of their estimates. These forms can identify the quality of technology as high, medium, and low. Using the obtained results makes it possible to analyze the quality of the manufacturing process of products with a change in their processing volume. The technique of determining the quality level of the technological process as high, medium and low is presented. The results obtained allow us to find an assessment of the feasibility of the number of products with the desired quality.The conducted studies help in resolving issues of quality management of engineering products.

Author Biography

N. Y. Lamnauer, Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy (UEPA), Kharkiv

doctor of technical sciences, professor


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How to Cite
Lamnauer, N. (2019). Determining the quality of the manufacturing process of products with a given linear size. HERALD of the Donbass State Engineering Academy, (2 (46), 89-92.